Effective SEO Strategy for a Website

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seo strategies for websitesHaving a good strategy in place also means counting the costs.  In a world where online is where people go for their solution, it would behoove a local business to not be front and center for those results.  People are very impatient so the quicker to the solution is generally the one that will get the deal.  If you’re wondering where your next call is going to come from then you’re not being proactive in your business.

The old ways of marketing still apply today.  Meaning, you have to market in order to grow.  The same goes true right now.  If you’re not doing it then you can expect what’s happening to stay the same but if you want growth if you want to change it’s time to put forth the effort to scale your business.

I’m glad to see many of us wised up about the yellow pages.  Recently we received a new phonebook from the telephone company and it’s almost the same size of a store magazine.  Which means you realize that it’s not going to convert and the cost is too great to even consider plopping money into that book.

Yet, saving money and not investing is the same as losing money.  SEO is the strategy to go when it comes to marketing.  Now, I can understand that many people have been burned by companies or some have put so much money into it and never seen any kind of results.  I’ve heard cases where the consumer never even received a report.  Be wary of those types.

Legitimate SEO’s are going to make sure they can keep you, so they’ll bend over backward to ensure you get results.  Zion Port is such a company that seo services for small businesses with your ROI in mind.  We have over 150 men and women working on your project.  With people who would sleep at the office overnight whenever they meet a challenging keyword that just wouldn’t budge.

A Real World Scenario: Hit or Miss?

We’ve met a company owner and they didn’t have SEO but it’s clear their competition did.  Now, keep in mind SEO isn’t an exact science and we don’t ever offer guarantees.  No marketing or AD agency can.  All we can do is pitch the best scenario possible and what is more likely to happen than not.

Moving on.  The competitor was getting over 2,000 visitors a month.  This is how we knew they hired an agency.   So, let’s follow the process together.  The competitor’s price point is at $40 a month.  I can’t say how much the SEO agency is charging but for the sake of easy let’s just assume $5k a month.  Again it could be higher.  Let’s just follow through, shall we?

In this tech industry, you’re looking at about 20% leading to a sale.  Let me explain this.  Google knows how to track sales and there is a way to determine what can happen for specific industries.  From regular Organic search results to paid results.  Now, I know for a fact due to SEMRush that the competitor for my potential client was getting over 2,000 visitors from organic searches.

If then 20% of those visitations are sales, what is the company making at $40 a person?  The math is fairly easy.  20% of 2,000 is only 400 who are becoming a sale. (This is a subscription based service.  So we can’t say how many are returning or how many are new.  Again that’s beyond the scope of this demonstration.)

What do we do now, we multiply 40 times 400.   That brings a total to $16,000.  Well, if we followed the scenario through after they pay the SEO agency $5k the company walks away with $11k a month.  Keep in mind, I told you the company is getting over 2k visitors a month.  That’s not including Paid Ads which they invested in also.  I don’t know how much traffic they got from that, but I do know it’s an extra 20% from there.  Again, we don’t know how many people are recurring.  Which as I started to share this possibility I was thinking to myself that perhaps each month they are getting an extra $11k on top of those that are recurring.  Again, pure speculation.

Not because we missed out on an opportunity but because they weren’t willing to invest into their business.  They were capable of doing it but weren’t willing to.  I mean, the numbers were perfect, and our pitch wasn’t nearly $5k a month but I know the competitor had no problem paying that SEO agency $5k a month because they are the extra $11k.

What would you have done?  Would you try to get some of what your competition is getting or would you also walk away?

from Zion Port
via David Morgan, Jr
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