Oxford Informals social event on 8th Feb

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Please see below for a message about an upcoming event from Lina Cox, the Informals Regional Secretary for Oxford. If you’re in the region, you can email Lina to sign up for this event and/or to be added to the mailing list for future events. If you are based elsewhere, check out our committee list to find the regional secretary for your region, and get in touch!. _______ Dear All, A belated happy new year!! Sorry for the radio silence – I have been in a Queen Mary exam bubble for the past month. Given the disappointment of pre-Christmas cancellations (and the not-so-far-away-ness of the pre-EQEs), I thought it might be nice to organise an event for early February. That being said, I would like to invite you all to play JUNKYARD CRAZY GOLF on TUESDAY 8th FEBRUARY at 7:30pm. Junkyard is found in the Westgate Oxford and is one of those cool new crazy golf/cocktail bars that are all the…

Oxford Informals social event on 8th Feb

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