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Renewing the mind is not always achieved by proactive self-improvement, or conscious talk therapy methods when there has been trauma and trauma imprints that trigger unhealthy patterns and triggers. Traditional counselling methods, while beneficial in various aspects, sometimes do not yield desired results for patients that have unaddressed historical traumas of any kind, even after considerable time has passed, because the conscious mind does not retain traumatic imprints and the unconscious

Mind Renew Counseling Service Provider

Mind Renew

Counseling service provider

Rejuvenating the mind is often not achieved by positive self-intervention, or cognitive counseling approaches when there has been trauma and trauma imprints that result in negative behavioral patterns and emotional triggers.

Conventional therapy techniques, while beneficial in various aspects, sometimes do not yield desired results for patients that have lingering traumatic experiences of any kind, even after many months or years, because traumatic memories are not typically held in the conscious awareness and the unconscious mind will frequently hijack conscious efforts to achieve self-improvement.

The latest discoveries in neuroscience reveal an complex interconnection between the physical body and unconscious and conscious mind.

New insights into the connection between mental and physical aspects lead to new methods for promoting healing.

Unresolved trauma is most often lodged within the physical body and subconscious psyche, and therefore needs to be treated using approaches that engage with these facets of the psyche and physiology to return it to a state of natural health.

Just as speedily as trauma led to a lifetime of detrimental conditioning, it can be swiftly resolved with a newly rewired mindset.

Mind Renew Counseling Service Provider

Mind Renew

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